Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

Forget #VINE in #KUWAIT its all about #INSTAGRAM @kuwaitiful

Instagram Kuwait

Instagram @Rayelbe

So everyone knows I’m a social media Guru…LOL.  (That’s what you call someone who procrastinates the day away with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, etc…)

All of my other ”Social Media Guru’s” have been telling me to get on Vine, as its an easy way to share quick snippets of videos to followers like how Instagram ”use to” only do photos.  The problem with Social Media…is there are so many different platforms, and if you spend time on them all…you literally are NEVER GOING TO GET ANYTHING DONE!!!

With the addition to Instagram Video, unfortunately I think it is going to be the death of Vine.  Vine never really picked up in Kuwait, or Thailand, or anywhere else in the world besides maybe the UK and North America.

….Actually I’ve been telling my friends from all over the world, since moving to Kuwait…INSTAGRAM is the biggest social media scene.  Bigger than Twitter, Bigger than Facebook, probably even bigger than Youtube.  Kuwaiti’s love some Instagram.

While checking out 248AM, I got linked to Kuwaitiful another blog in Kuwait.  In her most recent blog posting she said Kuwait was the #1 country in regards to #hashtags with over 8.2 million pictures using the #kuwait Hashtag.  Compare that the the good ol’ USA at 7.7 million photos.

Anyone wondering what my latest Instagram photos look like…just click the ”Photos” page at the top of the blog…Thanx to my new blog redesign from Andreas, my Instagram now streams right onto the site :)