Monday, April 18th, 2011

Forget seeing Buakaw tonight…how many are watching Claire Haigh become World Chmapion again?!

Yeah…Yeah…yeah…everyone has seen the posters all over the Island with Buakaw on them.

While it is going to be cool to see him get in the ring and do an exhibition sparring match….

It is going to be way more exciting to see Claire Haigh win back her WPMF World Title that she lost via decision to Julie Kitchen at 2009 King’s Cup.

Claire rematched Julie in England and lost a VERY controversial decision—that many felt if it would have been judged ‘Thai style’ she would have won.

Back from a training camp at WEC veteran Muhsin Corbbrey’s gym…Claire is looking to reclaim the World Championship tonight against a world class Thai opponent.

Tixs are 2000THB and can be bought in the office.  Jimmy from Scotland will also be on the fight card.

Buy your tix in the office now…and support your local TMT fighter as she becomes a 2x World Muay Thai Champion tonight *BOOM*