Monday, January 21st, 2013

First day in over 2 months that I’ve done this…but it felt amazing!! @kuwaitmma

Not gonna lie.  Being literally bed ridden for the 6 weeks has been very difficult.  Watching the muscle shrivel up on my body as the six pack has softened has been a disappointing experience…however…there wasn’t much I could do as I was allowing my injury to rehab.

Now comes the long road of getting back into shape. (those of you who are out of shape now….Trust me…I can relate…the past 6 weeks I’ve literally been wheelchair bound)—>I’m gassed just walking up the hill to Legacy gym.

Anyways, today was my first day on the pads.  I did 3 rounds of pads, 2 on the bags, and 3 rounds of shadow for afternoon training.  It really felt great to get in the ring and work with Professional boxer Fernando Otic.