Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

Estrada Da Graciosa (Curitiba Brazil)

With 4 1/2 stars on Trip Advisor and over 2,000 ratings it is safe to say Estrada Da Graciosa is worth checking out!

This one of a kind adventure is a small narrow road made with hand placed stones flowing down the mountain side along a beautiful river which features several waterfalls and places to stop and enjoy the water.  Featuring a hillside of blooming hydrangeas plants the trip to  is a perfect way to experience the Malta Atlantic forest first hand. 

Hydrangea plant in bloom

Stopping for fresh sugar cane drinks and coconut water, it gave everyone a perfect excuse to wonder into the forrest and dip into the water for a bit of mid day relaxation before continuing the trip to the small historic town of Morretes Brazil.  

even Gabbi enjoyed the water!

  Morretes is very old river port town with a population of only around 15,000 people.  Laid out in 1721 the city was officially founded in 1733 which still makes the town over 40 years OLDER THAN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, lol!  


The town was an important trading stop for travelers moving along the Rio Nhundiaquara for Yerba Mate in the early 19th century.  After the railroads were created in 1885 connecting Curitiba to Parangua the neighborhood essentially became a South American Ghost town.  

check out the coble stone roads!

 While we decided to enjoy the winding road through the mountain, many others elect to take the scenic litorinas trains to the destination.

Anyone who makes the trip to Morretes needs to make sure they try the local food of “Barreado”, slowly cooked in a clay pot for over 18 hours, and is worth every bit of the cooking time!