Tuesday, July 5th, 2011

Dorian Price fights 5 hard rounds of Muay Thai tonight in Thailand!!!

…Well—it wasn’t the ‘Win’ we were hoping for…but overall it was a performance we can build upon, taking some confidence from as we move forward.

Having fought 10 days ago in the Philippines–and scheduled for another bout July 22nd in Beijing China, UFC veteran Dorian Price has a busy competition schedule.

After more then a year and a half off from fighting—Dorian showed some ring-rust against his Chinese opponent during the 4 man Sanda Tournament in Manila.

Knowing his upcoming bout in Beijing is going to be tough–we wanted to put him in the ring to get a few rounds of work.

Having talked to the promoter at Patong stadium…we were assured that he would be facing a local circuit fighter–who we could use as a ‘tuneup’ bout in preparation to Beijing.  Needless to say—in Thailand…nothing is set in stone.

Calling earlier today, the promoter changed Dorian’s opponent from a local Thai (who TMT was familiar with)–to a foreigner training at Patong Boxing Stadium.—later in the evening–when we arrived to the stadium…there was too much of a weight difference for the bout to occur (Dorian was the bigger fighter)…asking around the stadium—the promoter found another foreigner willing to step up and fight (literally on less than an hours notice)–>Dorian agreed to the bout…despite the fact that he was outweighed by more then 10lbs.

After 5 tough rounds of fighting, Dorian lost a decision.  The difference in the fight proved to be his opponents clench work.  Literally diving for underhooks, he was able to utilize good Muay Thai technique–while tossing Dorian to the floor with several ‘throws’.

—In the Fight Of The Night–Dorian displayed GREAT elbow strikes—opening 3-4 different cuts on his opponent, which all required stitches from the stadium doctor.  If the fight was held in the United States–it probably would have been ruled a TKO victory for D–, because of the amount of blood pouring out of his opponents head.

Overall–…tonight was a great opportunity for Dorian to shake some of the ring rust from being on the shelf for so long—giving him a chance to work some of his elbow strikes.  Despite the fact that he lost a 5 round Muay Thai bout…judging by the amount of damage each fighter suffered…he won the ‘fight’.

Thanx to WBC Champion Steve Mackinnon who along with Kru Don and Kru Watt worked Price’s corner for Tiger Muay Thai.