Friday, September 10th, 2010

Don’t Sweat The Technique

Don’t sweat the technique–….Mcee’s wanna beef…and I play for keeps—don’t sweat the technique…any “Real Hip Hop headz” know who sings that!?

Anyone who knows my game–knows I love to play the Omoplata attack from the guard.  Having a “Show and tell” session with BJJ Black Belt (Under Ricardo Liborio) Adam Kayoom–he shared this sweet transition when an opponent front rolls to defend the Omoplata.

Adam has been at the gym training for his upcoming MMA fight in Legends FC (Hong Kong)…He runs the popular BKK BJJ Academy off Sukhumvit Soi 1…anyone traveling through BKK needs to stop by and pay his gym a visit–he’s a great instructor with legit skills :)
*Don’t sweat the technique*