Saturday, July 10th, 2010

Don’t Kick a sleeping dog…

This quote has stuck with me ever since my performance on the Ultimate Fighter.  I’ve done and said a ton of things during my fight career to promote a fight–but the older I have gotten, the less “trash talk” I find myself conducting…I’ve learned that it isn’t about what you do outside of the ring–it’s your performance during the bout that actually counts.

When I first started fighting I was a young, cocky 18 year old kid who was a knuckle head when it came to understanding what a “martial artist” was all about…almost a decade later (and after several humbling defeats)—I’ve discovered that the true reason why I fight–is because it allows me to discover more about myself.  It’s funny how emotional a training camp can be.  First your excited, then your nervous, then anxious,…by the time the fight actually arrives—your just ready to put the entire experience behind you.

Leading up to my fight in Singapore–the promoter told me that Daniel Isaac–my opponents manager–had been promising an early knockout.  While I’m sure he was just trying to promote the fight—he tried to politely introduce himself to me, after I was already informed of his “KO prediction”.  Needless to say–I didn’t feel like getting “buddy buddy” with him.

Telling him “Don’t kick a sleeping dog”—he sharply replied

“”Alan will knock you out next month!… if I’m gonna kick a sleeping dog I’ll make sure I’ve got my baseball bat ready to smash his face in if he plans to open his mouth too wide… cheers ! see you in Singapore”—LOL…this from a guy who is a Christian Pastor!!!

Anyways—I’m sure Alan has a “punchers chance”–but the good thing about his warning…was it gave me an opportunity to focus on my striking and improve the holes that my game had.  As a reminder to myself to “keep my hands up”—I had Owen of Kombatmouthguards make me this custom molded mouth guard for the fight :)

*Snoopy–sleeping–with a baseball bat* :D