Wednesday, November 10th, 2010

Does my leg look swollen?!

Well…just finished the day…

I taught the 9am Grappling class with Brown Belt Andrew Gardineer…and then ran the evening MMA training session.  I didn’t do any drilling or actual ‘training’ due to the knee injury I sustained while rolling yesterday.  I had my knee wrapped with the idea that it would help prevent the swelling from getting any worse.

I’ve been icing it, and taking Anti-Inflammatories throughout the day.

Just removed the Ace Bandages….and…the leg is throbbing.  Pushed some of the fluid causing the swelling down my leg and am planning on leaving the wrap off the knee tonight while I sleep with it elevated.  Hoping that nothing is torn in the knee and that the swelling is simply fluid from a severe sprain.  I’ll prolly give it a couple of weeks to see if it improves on its own before I shell out the 20,000THB for an MRI.