Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

Cutting the final few pounds before weigh in’s tomorrow.

My Martial Combat superfight Thursday is going to take place at a “Catchweight” of 176lbs.  I’m use to fighting at 170lbs, so this cut has been pretty easy when compared to other fights I’ve had in my career.

After “water loading” yesterday and today I peaked at about 189lbs.  Water loading is a method used to flush the excess water out of your system–basically you drink as much water as possible (Yesterday I did 5 liters–today I did 6).

Once your body has “that much water” it begins to reject the water and attempt to “flush it out” of your system.   Going to the bathroom every five minutes–while “uncomfortable” –is a lot more enjoyable than sitting in a Sauna with a plastic jump suite. (Which in addition to water loading is what I have to do to make anything at 170lbs or lighter).

Today I enjoyed 3 light meals, which was a nice break–usually the last few days of my weight cut I have a VERY LIMITED calorie intake–which makes life more miserable than a contestant on that reality TV show Survival…LOL  Basically all I had to do the last week is cut the carbs.

Today I had 3 meals, which were green salad’s topped with fish, in an addition to a plate of fruit for each meal.

I stopped drinking water today at 2pm, allowing my body to continue flushing out the water (without replacing the liquid)—I also headed down to the hotel pool–and hit 4×5 rounds of boxing on the pads–in addition to a warmup 5 minute round of “shadow”.

I’m just about to head to bed and am sitting at 180.2lbs.  When I wake up in the morning I am expecting to be a few pounds lighter—and will probably cut the last pound or two of water with some shadow boxing before the noon weigh in.  Following the weigh in–I begin re-hydrating my body and carb loading my body until my fight Thursday night.  I’m hoping to be back around 190-193lbs by fight time.  6 weeks ago I started my “diet and cut” from 206lbs.

Special thanx to Muhsin Corbbrey of Champions Training Center--he has been helping me prepare for this bout, and has been great support every step of the way.  Muhsin, a WEC and ELITE XC veteran is the guy holding pads in the video of my weight cut from this afternoon.