Monday, February 6th, 2012

*Click Here* to see my SECRET weight loss diet :)

LOL…Okay…Mystical might be a bit of an over sale on the product I’m delivering…lol.

Honestly though…Diet is 90% of the battle when it comes to weight loss.  When I clean up my diet not only do I feel better about myself, have more energy, and begin to see the pounds shred off…I always get a since of accomplishment when I am able to be ‘strict’ with my diet.

For the past month or so, I have been utilizing these shakes for my lunch—>and then a well balanced dinner in my effort to get myself back into fight shape.

Starting a bit before Xmas, I was floating around the 205lbs mark….I am now down to the low 190’s high 180’s depending on the day.

The ingredients to the shake are simple, and honestly my food bill has gotten cheaper without all the distraction snacks throughout the day.

***Lemme know if any of you try my shake…and how you like the results :)

Ingredients include;

fresh coconut
5 almonds
2 medium bananas
1 scoop Isopure Protein
1 tablespoon spirulina
1 tablespoon linseed (flaxseed)
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup uncooked oats