Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

Check me out on TV…

During my last trip to Singapore I got the opportunity to appear on the  NewsAsia Television program “Primetime Morning” The Television show is very similar to “Good Morning America”—only it is a Singaporean based program.

At Martial Combat 5, Claire Haigh became the first female to fight and win in a professional MMA bout when she defeated Chinese World Sanda Champion Sun Jiau by TKO (elbows from mount) in the 3rd round.

During the Interview they asked us several questions about the uniqueness of women competing in MMA, and training a female student.  The broadcast was done live (meaning no practice or re-shoots) at 8 in the morning.  I had to feel bad for Claire who fought the night before (see the bruises on her face during the interview) and didn’t get to sleep- in… following her dynamic victory.  Counting my Superfight Championship at MC 6 and Ross Dallow’s TMT went 3-0 for the July event!

Thanx to Six Deuce Gear for supplying me with the sweet Genki Sudo “We are all one” T-shirt for the broadcast.  Anyone interested in picking up that shirt can order it online.

To check out the Televised broadcast click here.

***At the end of the Video—Claire gets to elbow me–knee me in the head, and Choke me out…that at the very least is worth watching :P