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#thingsblackpeopledo @superjjambrose

Okay...I could help put laugh last night when JJ 'borrowed' about 10lbs of chicken wings. Picking me up from a Halloween Party at a local bar in Guam...JJ...

Jamaican Grill Guam SON!

*BOOM*...Thanx for the recommendations ladies and gentleman... This place has replaced everything formerly known as 'On ThA...

Superman never misses weight for a fight! *PXC GUAM*

With being sick all week...the weight cut was a bit rough. I got into Guam last night around 1PM and JJ was still cutting weight. We woke up a few hours...

When keeping it real goes wrong…

JJ cutting weight for the fight tomorrow... Skipped breakfast so that I'd suffer with him :) *I know ladies...Imma considerate...

Bon Chon Chicken SON!

Just finished wrapping up all the seminar stuff with Professor Kayoom! Glad to see the community come together...heard close to 40,000THB worth of money and...

BOOM…great seminar today at Q23- American Top Team

Boom...amazing turnout today for the BJJ seminar at Q23 Academy...the official American Top Team of Thailand. 8 black belts donated their time and techniques...