Post archive for: Uncategorized

The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

Talk about a huge church!!! This spot is a UNESCO world heritage...

Rome was built in a day?!

Got into Rome this morning from Trieste via the train...only to realize BOTH Ole and myself left our luggage in the train station. Panic struck as Ole has his...

Wonder if I’ll see SuperMario here?!?!

Arrived safe and sound in Trieste Italy today...however my bags won't be here until tomorrow...Thanx Qatar airlines...hopefully they really arrive tomorrow...

Just call me Rosa Parks #itsmorefuninthephilippines

Only two more hours via bus and I'll be back in Manila! Heading up to the Philippines Nogi Brazilian Jiu Jitsu International tournament tomorrow with Legacy...

Kimchi SON!

At Kumkangsan eating some killer food with the owner JB and Kris from Ole Laursen's Boracay Legacy Gym! Delicious food!!! Look for his chain Red Table in the...

Gimme a kiss shorty!

Had an amazing time in Manila for the PXC event, followed by a few days at the Manila Bay Water Park. So many cool water creatures to...