Post archive for: Uncategorized

The best 99 cent lunch eva!!

BBQ chicken--rice...with an ocean view for 35thb!! When will Jack in the Box or Mcdonalds be able to compete with this?!?! I...

No way…not to night!

Kitty---thanx for the hangover today!!...last night "pinoy John" and "Gus tha bus" went to kitty's new house for home cooked "Cuban" food prepared by...

I wish I had an extra toe

LOL...really just trying to learn how to update my blog via the iPhone ;) But...this kid does have 6 toes...

*Chikka…Chikka*…Houston we have lift off!!!

Well...Andreas Hesselback is the man---LOL.  Really...I don't have much else to say other than "Thank You" for hooking me up with this sweet blog. I've...

3 New Years in 1 year…

Yep--gotta love traveling the world. I was fortunate enough to be in the USA Jan 1, 2010--bringing in the New Year with my friend--Lotus Club Purple Belt...

Jason and Hutch training with Boku in Tokyo

Got an email from Jason Saggo and he is with Hutch training at Kid Yamamoto's gym, called KRAZY BEE, in Tokyo Japan. Kotetsu Boku--a former Shooto Champion...