Post archive for: Uncategorized

Rub me down ;)

Been feeling a bit under the weather lately... Not sure if it's a cold-the flu-or just over training. Sore muscles and joints...and developed a fever...

Sitting on the dock of the bay…

Watching the tide roll away ;) Enjoying my Sunday afternoon @ friendship beach... Philly Cheesesteak, Fries, and the most amazing view! Flickado where...

You’ll miss me when im gone…

After an exhausting weekend of travel I'm headed back to Phuket. I have a 4hr layover in Bkk...but will be home in enough time to sleep in my own bed...

3 Ko’s all in the first round on the same night, by the same fighter

Just wanted to give a shout out to TMT Fighter-Trainer "Kru Ritt". Ritt won an 8 man tournament last week at Bangla Stadium.  Facing 3 opponents in the same...

Hanging out with the only man to beat Fedor…no big deal :)

Tough night of fights in Macau for the boys at TMT.  John Vargas, started his fight off fast--and got the initial takedown before being reversed and submitted...

Just saw a ghost!!

Phew...finally made it to Macau China. Ngoo is the first fight of the night--Vargas will be 3 fights after. Checked into my room at the Hard Rock Hotel...and...