Post archive for: Uncategorized

Lojak Religion…cause’ you know it looks good!

In tha' words of Lil' John...."Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh" Lojak, once only a name-brand in Australia, but gaining momentum they have recently blown up...

On the road again

...have I told you how much I hate Jetstar?! Budget airline--but rude employees--ALWAYS delayed flights--and terrible customer service. As far as budget...

Happy Birthday Andreas Hesselback!

Just wanted to give a quick shout out to Andreas Hesselback.  He's the guy who hooked me up with this sweet website, and was one of the first people I ever...

When is a “Tie” really a “Win”

When you are the USA and it is the World Cup.  LOL...I mean seriously we don't even call the sport by it's real name...we call it Soccer...if you said...

Let me hear your *WAR SCREAM*…

... Sir William Wallace showed us in the movie Braveheart the effectiveness of an intimidating "War Scream"... So as part of today's morning grappling...

Does it ever rain in Thailand?

LOL...that is like asking if it is ever hot on the surface of the sun. Seriously though--Thailand does not have Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.  The...