Post archive for: Uncategorized

Do you own a Tiger Muay Thai Six Deuce T-shirt?…win a prize!!!

Gotta luv my man Craig over at Six Deuce for hooking up the "Tag a picture" contest for Facebook. For over a year Tiger Muay Thai has been working with...

I use to have one of these when I was a kid…

Seriously... I didn't keep it for very long, but I remember my mom finally agreeing to let me "rock" a pig's tail for awhile after I begged her through...

All I wanna do is be successful… as bad as I want to breathe

When you get to a point where all you want to do  is be successful as bad as you wanna breathe...then you'll be successful. Great motivational speech by my...

Men’s now….

Thanks to Men's now for doing an article on Tiger Muay Thai and myself. Please take a moment to read it! Last night we promoted an MMA fight here in Phuket...

Ray Elbe vs Alan Fernandez ESPN Martial Combat MMA Superfight


BJJ Black Belt Ray Elbe gives Nogi Seminar at Fightworks Asia in Singapore
