Post archive for: Uncategorized
ARGH...27...and I still get tha' slurpee BRAIN FREEZE...
Nothing like some slushed ice here in Thailand on a hot/sunny...
Why dont we have more of these in the USA?!
Im at the Internet Cafe.
'Drew is going to do a 90 day visa in Singapore and needs to get passport photos done.
In the USA--it's so difficult to find an...
I can’t believe my childhood house is for sale!!!
Growing a young kid...I remember my mom always working towards 'purchasing a house'.
Raising me as a single mother--before eventually...
You know your mainstream when….
Congrats to Tapout...
Besides all the Soccer Mom's wearing their new hoodie's to tha lil' ones weekend games...
I've now got newbies showing up with the...
On top of the world…
At least it felt like it looking down on the beautiful Hong Kong.
The "Peak" overlooked what seemed to be the entire world. Amazing view.
BJJ Black...
Is it still cool to…
'pop yo' colla'?!...
It's been awhile...and grown men in their 40's still rockin tha colla' flip?! I behind on the this 'it' for...