Post archive for: travel
Oct 13, 14, 15 Womens Only training with Cris Cyborg in Thailand! @PhuketTopTeam

Cris Cyborg's PINKBELT FITNESS is going International for the first time! Train with Cyborg Thur, Fri and Sat of Oct 13-15th in one of the world's most...
My interview with the Brutally Honest Show with MMA reporter of the year Nominee @aarontru

For those of you that missed my segment on the Aaron Tru, Jonathan King, and the Mad Hatter Brutally Honest Show, it is now available online. Along with...
WOW! @Criscyborg #Streetfight footage caught on youtube! #WORLDSTAR

Hahahaha, okay that might be a bit of a click bate title, but I just uploaded a few videos from my trip to Las Vegas onto Youtube, including this little gem of...
The lack of social services provided by the @usembassyq8 @HMAMatthewLodge

If you go to a restaurant and receive inadequate service, you can ask the manager to come to the table, and you can voice your concerns with them. You can...
The floating city #PhuketDreaming

Check out the episode 2 of the second season of Phuket Dreaming featuring Olavo Abreau, Gesias Calvalcanti JZ, Myself, and Cristiane Justino...
Now that is what I call a dessert! Mmmmmmmm

While in Curitiba Brazil, you have to try the ingenious crepe-like pancakes that are made with manioc (tapioca) flour.
They are a popular street food in...