Post archive for: Training

Good turnout at the seminar in Singapore tonight

Thanx to Aaron Koh for hooking up the Nogi grappling seminar.  Great turnout tonight; Gavin, Linus, Roy, Ong Hai, Lali, Daniel Chris, Kennedy, Kam Wing,...

UFC Vet Mike Ciesnolevicz shows us how to stop from being taken down off the fence

Thanx to UFC vet Mike Ciesnolevicz for making it to the evening "Advanced" MMA training tonight.   Mike fought 9x's for Pat Miletich's 'Silverbacks' team...

UFC vet Mike Ciesnolevicz teaches the “Mouse Trap”

Thanx to UFC Vet Mike Ciesnolevicz for showing a couple of techniques during the morning grappling class.  We had 20+ guys show up for the Friday "in house"...

Can you pass me the Syringe?

Brayden Summers FINALLY let me drain the fluid out of his Cauliflower ear...LOL All week I have been flicking, slapping, rubbing, and generally trying to...

New BJJ black belt

Glad to have Bjj Black Belt Brian Peterson in town helping finish out the training camps for Brayden Summers and Joe Ray.  Also at TMT with Brian are two of...

Hello Singapore

Training camps for Joe Ray and Brayden Summers has already started to wind down, both of these guys will be competing for Martial Combat Aug 18th and...