Post archive for: out and about

Anyone find this sexy?

...I mean...seriously...if you don't find a women dangling herself three stories above the floor...only using her legs to secure might have...

I’ve never had this problem until….

Growing up as a kid...I never really suffered from Allergies or Sinuses. This past Xmas when I went back home to the states for a visit, I stopped into...

I aint sayin shes a gold digga

Stopped by the gold shop today.  I was given a Buddha amulet awhile back as a gift.  While I'm not Buddhist, I appreciated the sincerity of the present,...

I never learned how to do this…

Growing up...I was never much of a car repairman...LOL When I was in High School I accidentally refilled the break fluid reservoir with Power Steering...

Another good reminder of why its never a good idea to get in a streetfight.

Not sure how many of you following my blog Internationally have heard the story about Lee Aldhouse and Dashawn Longfellow.  Locally here in Thailand it has...

Have you seen this guy? He stabbed me with a knife today…

Yogi Simon is a Simon teaches the Krabi Kabong (stick/sword) fighting classes here at Tiger Muay Thai along with Kru Oh.  Simon also runs...