Post archive for: out and about

I’m all for stem-cell research if we can get one of these…

A cow...that instead of pumping out milk...pumps BEER!!!! Thought I was dreaming when I came across this cow.  The beer company is called "Goodness...

The more times change…the more they stay the same?!!?

Went to check out Resident Evil Afterlife in "3D".  Is it me....or does it seem like more and more movies are coming out in "3D"?!!?  It makes me...

Say what Karaoke?!

One of my favorite places in Patong is Rock City. The location is at the end of Bangla road and it makes for an easy meeting point.  Various Thai bands...

What is up with kids these days!?

I dunno bout you, but when I was growing up we use to make REAL SANDCASTLES...and when I buried by friend in the sand...I never gave him both reproductive...

A look out my office window today…

Thanx Iphone 3G' the beach and still keeping my grind on---wish I had a better view though ;) And the coffee pot isn't...

Are these Mcdojo or is this legit?!

Seems like everyone I know is using these PowerBalance bracelets.  I'm not sure if the "hologram" works or not... A friend of mine explained to me that...