Post archive for: out and about

Wall of Death show in Thailand!!!

I dunno... Driving a motorbike that was made in the 1980's... on the side of 15 year old wooden wall that is almost 30 feet above the floor... with no...

Ton Ton Sai Waterfall today…

Argh...sometimes it's nice to drive a motorbike--->other times...not so much. Today was one of those times. Headed up to Ton Ton Sai Waterfall...

It is the 21th anniversary!?!

LOL...Good Ol' Thailand....Spell Checker would lose its mind here!!! ...Went to Timberhut last night in Phuket Town and had to laugh when I looked up...

BBQ Beatdown 33…Team Scandinavia Vs. The World *THIS SATURDAY*

*BOOM*...33 Months worth of BBQ Beatdown...hard to believe it has been almost 3 years since we started promoting these amateur nights of submission...

Little Fockers!!!

I'm so excited to see those lil' fockers!! ....I realize this movie came out before X-mas in the USA...but it doesn't get released here in Thailand until...

…Got ‘Dem Pimp shoes one =D

...Truthfully---how many of you have ever thought about taking the bowling shoes? ---I could just picture myself rocking a 3 piece and replacing the Stacy...