Post archive for: fights

watch Tiger Muay Thai alumni Yasubey Enomoto fight for the M-1 WW Championship belt live *TONIGHT/This morning*!!!

Sengoku Finalisty Yasubey Enomoto has been to Tiger Muay Thai and MMA Phuket several times for training camps.  Check em' out live as he fights for the M-1...

Claire Haigh’s WPMF Championship fight from the other night…

Claire 'Bear' Haigh is a BEAST....seriously...a beast.  I'd put her against any girl in Thailand. Her Thai opponent was strong, but well outclassed and the...

Buakaw Por Pramuk puts on a beautiful display of Muay Thai tonight *video*

Buakaw is a K1 fighter...and one of the best of all time.  A 2x K1 Max Champion Buakaw has dominated the scene for some time. As a fighter in Muay Thai his...

Forget seeing Buakaw tonight…how many are watching Claire Haigh become World Chmapion again?!

Yeah...Yeah...yeah...everyone has seen the posters all over the Island with Buakaw on them. While it is going to be cool to see him get in the ring and do...

Have you seen Justin Governale’s Amateur MMA fight yet!?

...Lots of people have been emailing me asking about Justin and Matt's fights from Pattaya. I've been waiting on the promoter to mail me the footage of the...

Long live Mexico!!! about a great weekend for Mexican fight fans. I haven't even watched the Nick Diaz/Paul Daley fight yet...(waiting for it to...