Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

Can you pass me the Cauliflower ear please?!

LOL at TMT’s lil’ Ozzie mascot Brayden Summers.

While preparing for his Martial Combat debut next month, he has been grinding away on the BJJ and Grappling techniques.

He is facing a tough striker from China, and our gameplan  is going to be pretty simple…set him up with the hands—then take him down and Ground and Pound him until the fight is over or we catch a submission.  Brayden was promoted to BJJ Blue Belt under me about 3 months ago.  He is one of the long term guest training out of the gym…and during Randy Hale’s vacation, has been filling in as the bodyfit instructor.

Cauliflower ear is a very common condition for boxers, wrestlers, judo, bjj, mma, and rugby players.  If the external portion of the ear suffers a blow, a blood clot or other fluid may collect under the perichondrium. This separates the cartilage from the overlying perichondrium that is its source of nutrients, causing the cartilage to die. This leads to a formation of fibrous tissue in the overlying skin. When this happens, the outer ear becomes permanently swollen and deformed, resembling a cauliflower.

Usually you “fix” the problem, by using a syringe and “sucking out” the fluid/blood.  Brayden—a fomer Australian Soldier—said he doesn’t “want me poking anything in him”—and has said he’s just going to let it “play the course”…LOL…secretly I think he’s hoping for an even bigger “Badge of Courage” than the one he already has.  We’ve been walking by him flicking his ears all day—I’m sure by the end of the week he’s gonna let me drain it :)

Either way—looking forward to seeing him utilize his wrestling in a few weeks!!