Sunday, July 28th, 2013

Blessed in your underoo’s?!

LOL…went with Ole and Kris to a herbal sauna located next to a temple. Certainly the type of Sauna you would find in a foreign karate movie where the American moves to Thailand to fight in the kumite.

While there was no kumite to train for, we certainly encountered our own experience…lol. One of the older gentleman at the sauna was certifiably not all there–and insisted on showing us his magic.

Long story short, after an afternoon of deep breaths, enchanting words, and songs of blessings…both Ole and myself left with arms the same length as when we arrived…lol.

Our Thai temple companion was making claims that he could increase our reach and wingspan with simple blessings and stones.

The herbs in the sauna were amazing, having gotten out now my skin feels very soft. Overall was a fun afternoon!!
