Monday, June 7th, 2010

Baby Car seat…Thailand Style…

Okay– anyone who has ever been to Thailand understands how dangerous driving a motorbike is around here.  Most of the drivers on the road have no “formal training”–and to be honest, very few of them have an actual driving license.

Most “working class” Thai’s can not afford to own a car, so they get around using motorbikes because it is the most affordable, easiest way to travel.

It is not uncommon to see an entire Thai family getting from point A–to point B on a motorbike.  Sometimes you see an entire kitchen/restaurant on these two wheel death traps.

Anyways…I had to LOL when I saw this “Baby Car Seat” today.  You would have to wonder…what would happen if the bike was in an accident while your 2 year old was sitting “safely” in their seat?!