Saturday, May 21st, 2011

**ATTN UK Gyms**….Great Muay Thai seminar opportunity…click here

I know…I know…whoring my blog out…but it’s for a good friend.

Prathet is getting ready to head to the UK with his girlfriend Laura (or as the Thai’s say…Rala)

Prathet is legit.  As a fighter he has competed at a high level in all the major stadiums—even crossing over to boxing…facing World Ranked Ozzie Michael Katsidis…as a trainer he’s worked with most of the UFC fighters who have traveled through Tiger Muay Thai…and during his last trip to the UK helped hold pads for Paul Daley as he prepared for Scott Smith.

If your a gym in the UK and are interested in hosting Prathet for a seminar (He’s already flying himself to the UK)…please hit me up and I’ll get you in touch with the right people to organize it.