Monday, August 30th, 2010

At the bottom of the hill and looking up…

Well—Monday, and it’s time to get back on the grind.  I’ve had a few things weighing heavy on my mind this weekend, and the start of the week has actually given me something else to focus my attention on, which is refreshing.

I am 45 days out from my rematch with Shannon Ritch…

Last week was a “light” week of training, my first week back into the gym since my July 15th fight…and I took it light, working a few of the “celebration pounds” off before I threw myself into the deep end.  With the sore elbow I didn’t do any sparring, and just focused on my boxing for pad training.

This week I will do Muay Thai padwork (which takes more energy).  I’ve also started my diet.  Kru Yod is going to be at the gym for the next 3 weeks, and then he is going to be heading to Sweden for 2 months of guest teaching at Halmstad Muay Thai.

Late last night I drained my elbow again taking out almost a full 2CC’s of blood and fluid from the swelling.  Not wanting to irritate the injury, I skipped sparring today after the padwork, and jumped into a few rounds of clench sparring–with takedowns.

BJJ Black Belt Adam Kayoom arrives Wednesday morning to finish out his training camp, which will give Wiktor another quality training partner to work with (who is in peak shape as well)

…This is day 1 of full padwork…I’ll post a few updates as I continue to get into “better shape”.