Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

As an American today is always sad

12 years. Time really does keep moving. I still remember my mom waking me up to tell me a plane crashed into the twin towers and to turn on the news.
It was a school day, and seconds later she came running back into the room to tell me a second plane crashed into the towers and that was when everyone realized America was under attack.

I remember being a teenager and crying as the news kept replying the horrifying video of the buildings collapsing while people were running down the street trying to escape the debris falling.

Without a doubt 9/11 shaped the way America operates now.

My prayers go out to all the families suffering the loss of their families and continue to be said for all those around the world suffering violence from wars that have very little to do with the victims.

Today as an American my blog deserves a space of prayer and positive thought.
