Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Are these Mcdojo or is this legit?!

Seems like everyone I know is using these PowerBalance bracelets.  I’m not sure if the “hologram” works or not…

A friend of mine explained to me that there are 5 spots on your body that are important for balance; Your wrists, spinal cord, and ankles.  Your suppose to put the PowerBalance band on your wrists.  The bracelet has two holograms, one with ‘protons’–and the other with ‘electrons’, which are suppose to help balance your body. The band retails for 30$…which is pretty expensive in my book.  I’ve “heard” they have replicated bands on Ebay for as lil’ as 4$!??…wonder if the knockoffs are legit?

I took the “test”—and didn’t notice any improvement.  Kitty was convinced that no matter how “affective” the bracelet was…that I was going to “make it NOT work”…but I honestly tried my best to see if it “really worked”…LOL!!!

I’m curious…does it have any real scientific findings to support the claims?!—I wonder if I blindfolded someone and had them do the tests with the Powerbalance band or the “Lance Armstrong-Live Strong Bracelet” –would there be any difference in the results!?

Any of you guys use these?—opinions!?