Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

…ANOTHER Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt shows up @tigermuaythai today *BOOM*

Man…talk about a packed house at the gym currently.  As if having one BJJ Black Belt at the gym wasn’t enough…today we had 3–in addition to several other quality training partners.

Brazilian Top Team black belt Roger Almeida has been at the gym—but today everyone got a pleasant surprise when Eamonn Madden
paid a visit to the gym.
Eamonn works with several of the top MMA fighters in the UK and has cornered fighters in the UFC-BAMMA-and Cage Rage promotions.  A gifted grappler, he earned his black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Leao Teixeira and specializes his instruction around technique and mental preparations.

Coaching out of the BJJ School of the UK, has had an opportunity to cross train with many of the top athletes.  Check out an Interview with UFC Fighter Nick Osipzcak discussing his mental preparation work with Professor Madden.