Saturday, November 15th, 2014

And then there was 6!! chihuahua found near park shadows Goodyear

I’m in the states for a minute and visiting the folks. My family has a soft spot for animals, and as proof my mom and dad have 5 dogs…already!
3 Japanese Chins, and two chihuahuas.


Today my dad came home…with you guessed it…a stray dog.

This little brown female chihuahua was found on litchfield road near the park shadows apartments near Avondale just north of Lower Buckeye and looks to be 2-3 years old maybe?! She also has a pink collar (if anyone is reading)

My parents contacted the housing office, and the plans to see if she’s microchipped, but AZ natives feel free to share this blog entry– and if the owners reading, put your name in the box on the top left, I’ll send you a video of the deadliest choke known to man and give you your dog back, lol
