Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

An Apology from China…MMA fighter Ao Te Gen Bateer

I’m not sure how many of you saw the blog entry I put up about Brian Robertson’s recent MMA fight in Beijing China.  He competed in a promotion that was suppose to be unified MMA rules…and rather than following the agreed upon rules proceeded to soccer kick and face stomp Brian repeatedly while he was a grounded opponent (3 or more points of contact on the floor)…but today I was emailed a video of his opponent officially apologizing for the incident.

Brian faced Aotegen Bateer who is considered to be one of the next ‘hopefuls’ from China for a UFC contract like his teammate Zhang Tie Quan

The horrific disregard to the rules of the competition shown by Bateer would have found him arrested and charged with assault in a competition held in the United States.  The shocking part of the incident was that the ref didn’t warn Bateer of the infractions—and following a ‘point deduction’—>Bateer proceeded to Soccer Kick Brian one additional time in the head as he was suffering from a 3rd degree concussion caused by the prior illegal strikes.

…Astoundingly…Bateer had his hand ‘raised’ in the ring–before Brian was awarded the ‘winners bonus’ back stage and having the fight ruled a NC—which was clearly grounds for a DQ win in favor of the….god forbid…American Fighter.  Propaganda at its finest…but the fact that  I was sent an email ‘apology’ of the incident is heart warming….now if I can only get someone to translate.