Monday, October 11th, 2010

A lil’ pad training from today…

Got in 4 good rounds of padwork today with Kru Yod, also worked in three rounds of boxing sparring…thanx to Micah and Jimmy.

Cardio felt good after the weekend break.  Weight was a little high…but not training on Sunday…I think a lot of that is just water retention. We were working blocking the kicks, and focusing on our boxing.  Shannon is a crafty veteran with several “highlight” Ko’s…so we are going to want to stay either close—or far on the outside during the fight.

Ate two grill chicken breasts, some brown rice, and steamed veggies for lunch.  Ran by the shop printing my fight shorts—and they didn’t have them done yet—hopefully by 6 they will.  On the plus side…it gave me a chance to swing  buy and “proof” the print…and everything is going to look good :)

Gonna train this evening, and probably get in two light sessions tomorrow.  Off to Singapore on Wednesday.