Monday, October 4th, 2010

A few pics from Johnny Wolf at the “Pick Up Artist” Hollywood Summit!!

Thanx to my man Johnny Wolf for rocking the Tiger Muay Thai T-shirt at the recent Pick Up Artist Summit held in Hollywood California!!!

Confidence is earned, not learned. Some guys may appear to be naturally good with
women, but the truth is, they just starter earlier. – Johnny Wolf

As one of the first graduates of the ABCs’ Training Certification program, Johnny Wolf
transformed from master-student to lead-instructor. He broke through typical Asian
stereotypes with his remarkable transformation from an average, overweight, balding,
Chinese guy to being the cool guy that everyone wanted to be and all the hot blonde girls
wanted to be with. Johnny Wolf turned adversity into power and developed a rock-hard
Alpha Male presence, which he now instills in his students.

Johnny Wolf became an icon in the PUA community when he created the SoCal Lair,
which later became the biggest pick-up support group in Southern California. He is also
the co-founder of the Global PUA Summit, the internationally recognized, organized
body of Pick-Up Artists. Additionally, he has appeared as a Guest Lecturer at Harvard
University on the topic of Social Confidence.

Considered by many to be the world’s second greatest Asian pick-up artist, Johnny Wolf
has turned many men from chumps into champs in the dating world in the past three
years. He has a reputation for both his intricate understanding of pick-up concepts and an innate ability to teach others. Like the Asian Playboy, he believes that to get to the pleasure, you have to go through the pain.

Johnny Wolf currently lives on a small tropical island where he teaches scuba diving and
continues to make pick-up arts a lifestyle. He flies back to the United States to teach
Limited Edition boot camps twice each year.

If you haven’t checked out his blog…it’s worth a look!! Look for J~Wolf to be back at TMT very soon :)