Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

8 limbs. Punch-Kick-Elbow-Knee…*REPEAT*

Punch–Kick–Elbow–Knee…that is why they call Muay Thai the 8 limbs of fighting.

Got in 3×5 minutes worth of Padwork today with Kru Fakanong ‘AKA’ Megaman.  Even though Fakanong has been at the gym awhile…I’ve never held pads with him.  He is one of the smaller Thai’s…and I usually try to pick someone bigger in size when I select my pad holder.

Today I decided to give him a try…and was really impressed with his teaching abilities.  It’s amazing how much a Thai can ‘Show’–despite the language difficulties.  Reminds me of some of the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructors I’ve had who could only teach in Portuguese.  The nice thing about fighting is that you can ‘visually learn’ as well.

Anyways…figured I’d put up a quick preview of our training.  Fakanong held pads for 3 rounds of 5 minutes for me…then I got in some sparring and we worked a sweet Peruvian necktie setup.