Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

Wanderlia Silva Vs. Chael Sonnen!! YES!

Unless you’ve been sleeping under a rock the past few months, you already know Wanderlei Silva is chomping at the bit to fight All American Gangster Chael Sonnen in the UFC.  With rumors of The Axe Murderer Wanderlei Silva betting 100,000$ on Shogun in his bout against Sonnen (Which Sonnen won)—>the feud has gotten heated in interviews and the MMA media.

At the recent Mr. Olympia bodybuilding tournament in Vegas, security actually had to separate the two.

On Fox Sports Live, Dana White announced that Sonnen will be facing Wanderlei at the conclusion of the TUF Ultimate Fighter Brazil…which should be interesting.

Who is your pick to win this EPIC fight?!