Monday, July 23rd, 2012

5 easy tips to improve your BJJ

1. Stretch.
Stretching is an important part of grappling. It is an important part of life. As we get older we have to work on keeping our body in the best shape possible, which will ensure we have a good quality of life as we grow older. Stretching helps our body by increasing blood flow, promoting healing, improving our cardio performance, and body coordination. One of my favorite ”tricks”–>any time a commercial comes on the TV, I stretch. Your friends might look at you funny, but if you start this trick, you’ll be surrpised at how much stretching your able to add into your weekly routine.

2. Keep Notes.
We went over this in class the other day. A notebook should be kept. BJJ is an exploration and if you keep walking in circles forgetting things and note remembering that you’ve already been to this place…your slowing the learning curve. Think about BJJ as a journey to ”The New World”—and when its done you want to be able to tell EVERYONE EVERYTHING they need to know. Even scribbling a couple of words on paper, with a quick drawing that will help you remember a position will be benefitical. After 10 years when you’ve achieved a black belt…think of how many moves you’ll have collected! As the old saying goes…I’ve forgotten more jiu Jitsu than I’ve remembered!

3.Use your mind.
Visualisation is a big part of learning. Once you have taken a class, and you have written your notes, visualize yourself going through the movements while your reading your notes. A quick ”mental” drill session of 10-15 minutes 7 days a week will increase your improvement dramatically.

4. Sleep.
It is important to make sure you get a good nights sleep whenever possible before coming to BJJ class. During sleep you can strengthen memories or “practice” skills learned while you were awake. Studies also show athletes preform at a higher intensity following a good nights sleep.

5. Drink Water.
Drinking water before the class is almost as important, if not more important than drinking it during. Make sure you are well hydrated WHEN YOU SHOW UP TO CLASS. Hydration helps regulate the body, allowing the brain to function at full capacity.