Friday, November 18th, 2011

Great day of learning how to become a MMA Millionaire *BOOM*

HHHHMMMM…day one in the books for the Millionaire Business seminar organized by Master Lloyd Irvin.

Long day, with a TON of information being covered. The entire seminar will last 3 days–and owners from all around the USA showed up to learn from the marketing genius.

The seminar has had several guest presenters including–TMT Alumni Marcos Avellan.  Marcos was one of the highlights of the seminar as he was funny and informative during his entire presentation.  It is no wonder why his gym does so well.  If you live in Florida holla at FFA

Having brought a group of his FFA students to Thailand, Marcos and his brother David filled in as instructors of the MMA/BJJ program while I was in the USA on Vacation, having been in the states it was unfortunate that I missed meeting him.  Today was my first opportunity to talk to him face to face, and I was impressed with his portion of the seminar.

bumped into Chip and Gabe from Siege MMA in Phoenix—in addition to World Champion Black Belt Gazzy Parman and  UFC Star Tim Credeur .

Wordpress app from my Iphone is acting up a bit…which made Blogging a bit tough today…hoping to get more pics on here for you guys back home :)