Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

…4 UFC fighters at Tiger Muay Thai right now?!?!

…Well…next week there will be.

Roger Huerta has been training at TMT a few months, Mike Swick just got onto the Island, Phil Baroni is here after his last fight…and next week Brian Ebersole will be getting in.

Brian, a veteran of over 60 pro MMA fights…is fresh off his UFC Fight Of The Night win over Chris Lytle.   He’s gonna do a seminar for the guest of Tiger Muay Thai–and I’ll make sure to ask him to show his Cartwheel kick :)

**ERGH…slight edit**…with everything going on—>I miss read the flight info and he is arriving MAY 17th…but JJ gets in on FRIDAY**…sorry for the mix up guys.

Ultimate Fighter contestant and Affliction veteran JJ Ambrose also gets in next week—>he’s going to be running wrestling practices 3 times a week for guys looking to improve their takedown/takedown defense.