Saturday, May 15th, 2010

3rd degree BJJ Black Belt Marcelo Guidici shows a counter to the suicide…

3rd degree BJJ Black Belt Marcelo Guidici will be here helping me prepare for my July Martial Combat Superfight against Alan Fernandes of India.

Marcelo has a 12-2 MMA record, and is a 5x Sao Paulo State Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion.

Today was my first day back to the gym after a week in Singapore.  I rolled a few rounds with Strikeforce veteran Joe Ray–and then Marcelo was generous enough to share a few techniques.

I liked the counter to the—suicide roll—that he showed—and he was nice enough to allow me to put the footage up on youtube.

Marcelo will be teaching a FREE Nogi grappling seminar for the guest of Tiger Muay Thai sometime in the next couple of week…so keep an eye out for information on that =D