Sunday, August 8th, 2010

23, 279 THB raised for Jonathan Chan…

Just wanted to thank everyone who donated to the Jonathan Chan raffle.  Being able to raise 23,000THB just goes to show that when you become a member of the Tiger Muay Thai family…it doesn’t matter if your in Phuket or not…we got your back :)

Jonathan, spent 6 months training at TMT.  During that time…he was the perfect example of what a teammate should be.  He never missed a practice and was always their to help with sparring, drilling, or whatever other task the coach gave him.  As a fighter he competed in 3 amateur fights winning them all.  At the end of his stay Jonathan headed to Australia to compete in a professional MMA fight.  Winning the first two rounds of the bout, he was dropped in the third with a head kick.  Recovering from the strike…he was still “rocked” when his opponent latched on a RNC to get the submission victory.

Following the fight a noticeable “indention” was on the side of his head.  Rushing him to the hospital it was discovered he had a decompression fracture of the skull.  Undergoing surgery, he had to change his flights back home to New Zealand and incurred several unexpected costs due to the  injuries.

Wanting to help…we organized a raffle…some of the items included;

WEC Vet Muhsin Corbbrey donated a set of WEC gloves which he Autographed to the winner

UFC Vet Mike Ciesnolevicz signed a pair of TMT MMA gloves

WEC Vet Chan Sung Jung donated two of his Signature “Korean Zombie” T-shirts

Custom Mouth Guard from the premier manufacture Kombat Mouth Guards!

Free Week of training, Free Week of Meal Plan, Two MMA-One Body Fit Private, and several other prizes.

…A special thanx to Dave Davies, Andy Henry, Phil and Sharon Sayers, Adam Underhill, Lisbeth Nillson, and Alex Bijlsma who also gave money via paypal for Jonathan’s recovery.